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Quilt Labels, Dedications, and Poems
A label tells the who, what, when, and where of the quilts. Here are some other suggestions for your quilt label.
Quilt Labels, Dedications, and Poems
Axioms, sayings, and truisms about quilting and quilt making.
A Lifetime’s not too long to live as friends and a quilt is not too small to sew them in!
A quilt is something you make to keep someone you love … WARM!
A Quilt Will Warm Your Body and Comfort Your Soul
A creative mess is better than tidy idleness
A day hemmed in prayer seldom unravels
A family stitched together with love, seldom unravels.
A family is a patchwork of LOVE.
A yard a day keeps the blues away.
A fat quarter is not a body part
A quilt is something you make to keep someone you love…Warm!
A Stitch in Time saves Nine
A messy house is the sign of a happy quilter
A fat quarter has fewer calories than a hot fudge sundae!
A good friend is like a warm quilt wrapped around the heart.
A family is quilted and bound with love and grace.
A family is pieced together with hope and faith.
Always remember you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
And the quilt tells a story and the story is our past.
Any day spent sewing, is a good day!
Anytime is stitchin’ time.
As ye Sew, sew Shall Ye Rip
Asking a seamstress to mend, is like asking Picasso to paint your garage!
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.
Behind every sewer is a huge pile of fabric.
Blessed are the piecemakers, for they shall quilt forever!
Blessed are the children of quilters, for they shall inherit the quilts.
Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing…the days pass quickly when I am sewing!
Caution: Enter this Sewing Room at your own Risk
Count your blessings, stitch them one by one.
Creative minds are rarely tidy
Creative Clutter is better than Idle Neatness
Don’t Needle the Seamstress!
Dull Women have Immaculate Homes
Fabricologist Resource Center”…now does that sound more impressive than “fabric stash” ?
Families are stitched together with memories
Families are like quilts, stitched together one piece at a time
Family ties are precious threads no matter where we roam.
Family and friends make a house a home and with a quilt of friends, it will never be cold.
Friendship is sewn with Love and Measured by Kindness
Friendships are sewn one stitch at a time.
From my hands — to your heart!
God put me on this earth to sew and finish a certain number of things. I am so far behind now I will never die!
Good friends are like Quilts. They age with you, yet never lose their warmth.
Happy Holidays: Let us sew, Let us sew, Let us sew
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to sew we go!
Hubby calls me his “sew & sew”
Hubby said if I buy any more fabric he would leave me —I’ll miss him!
Hug Your Sewing Machine
I feed my soul…by the stitches I sew
I got a sewing machine for my husband! Good trade, huh?
I Think Sew!
I love quilting and have plenty of material witnesses.
I’m a quilter and my house is in pieces
I’m creative – you can’t expect me to be neat too!
I am in therapy and quilting is cheaper than a psychiatrist.
If I stitch fast enough does it count as an aerobic exercise?
If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
In the crazy quilt of life, I’m glad you’re in my block of friends.
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
Itching To Be Stitching
LOST: Husband, dog, and sewing machine. Reward offered for the sewing machine!
Love, Laughter, and Friends are always welcome here.
Love is the thread that binds us.
May your sorrows be patched and your joys be quilted
May your bobbin always be full!
Memories are stitched with love.
My husband lets me buy all the fabric I can hide!
My soul is fed with needle and thread.
Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
No one is listening until you make a mistake.
Old Quilters never die … they just go to pieces!
Old seamstresses never go crazy, they just stay on pins and needles!!
One quilting project, like one cookie, is never enough!
Our Patchwork of Friends.
People that are organized are just too lazy to get up and look for it!
Pray for Pieces!
Quilters never cut corners.
Quilters never grow old, they just go to pieces.
Quilting fills my days, not to mention the living room, bedroom, and closets.
Quilting with a friend will keep you in stitches.
Quilts made with love age with time but never lose their warmth.
Quilts are like friends – a great source of comfort.
Sew Much Fabric, Sew Little Time!
Sew on to success!
Sewing forever, housework whenever!
Share the Love of Sewing!
She who dies with the most fabric wasted a lot of time!
She who dies with the most fabric…..wins!
Slow Moving Seamstress: Fast Moving Thread & Needle!
So much fabric, so little time
Stash Management Flunkie
Stitch your stress away.
The love of sewing is our common thread.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire.
They draw us close to those we love and pull our hearts toward home.
Touch these scissors and die!
Warning: This Vehicle Stops at all Fabric Shops
When life gives you scraps….make a quilt.
When I learned How to quilt… I forgot how to cook!
When life gives you scraps, make quilts
When you sleep under a quilt, you sleep under a blanket of love!
Will work for FABRIC!
You may admire my dust, but please don’t write in it!
You know you are drinking too much coffee when you can thread a sewing machine while it’s running!
Words of Praise from Nedra:
“I have decided to quilt these words of praise and self-esteem building instead of meandering. I have other words of wisdom that work as well”
- Amazing effort
- Unbelievable work
- Phenomenal
- You’ve got it
- Superb
- You’re special
- Cool
- Excellent
- Way to go
- You’ve outdone yourself
- Thumbs up
- What a great listener
- Your help counts
- You came through
- Terrific
- You tried hard
- Fabulous
- The time you put in really shows
- You made it happen
- You’re a real trouper
- It couldn’t be better
- Bravo
- You’re unique
- Exceptional
- You’re a great example for others
- Fantastic work
- Breathtaking
- Keep up the good work
- Awesome
- I know you had it in you
- You’ve made progress
- Your work is out of sight
- What an imagination
- It’s everything I hoped for
- Stupendous
- You’re sensational
- Very good
- You made the difference
- Good for you
- A + work
- Take a bow
- Super job
- How thoughtful of you
- Nice going
- Class act
- Well done
- You’re inspiring
- How artistic
- You go the extra mile
- Horray for you
- You’re a joy
- You’re a shining star
- You’re amazing
- What a great idea
- Great answer
- Extra special work
- You deserve a hug
- You’re getting better
- You’re tops
- You’re catching on
- You’re neat
- You’ve got what it takes
- Spectacular work
- You’re a winner
- You’re # 1
- Remarkable
- Beautiful
- Great discovery
- Clever
- You’re so kind
- Wow
- Magnificent
- You’re sharp
- You’re very responsible
- Brilliant
- Thanks for helping
- Thanks for caring
- You’re A-OK
- You’ve earned my respect
- You’re a pleasure to know
- You’re very talented
- How original
- A genius
- Very brave
- Congratulations
- You’re a champ
- You figured it out
- You’re super
- Right on
- You’re a champ
- You figured it out
- You’re super
- Right on
- You’re the greatest
- You make me smile
Feel free to use these in your guild newsletters or quilt labels, with credit to this website.
Have another tip to offer? Send it to me or reply below and I will add it here.
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